It Me

I'm Starie

You'd be surprised how stupid I am and bad i am at advertising my stuff!!

I'm one of those people who'd swallow gum for the thrill of eating rubber. So who want me?

Uh um I art m

I like to dra w but I uh HOLY SHIT

I'm a gamer

Well equipped with a gaming addiction (I can stop anytime I want), a will to swear, and the power to be gay, Super Mario

I have the most disturbing scent of burning charcoal

I eat charcoal to function,


I'm highly proficient at drawing twinks, women, and ugly shit. it really says a lot about me...

Did I mention I'm an artist

I didn't? Thank God! I hope I'm not repeating myself that would be very embarrassing to do that! I don't want to seem super forgetful and stuff. Oh my gosh I hope I'm not repeating myself


Not much happens outside of my life other than draw, game, and absolutely nothing else. I mean I do have plans to do game design but mmmm bread


Put tha spaghetti in dah meet bawl ehehehehe,, Mama Mia!

I'm super unprofessional (if you haven't noticed)

Content on Instagram will be different from content on Twitter

(You'll never see most of this stuff on Instagram lmao)

I think they should put U and I together on the alphabet idk thats just me